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GitHub Guide

GitHub is a project management system in the cloud that allows developers to store and have code version control. This platform allows you to work collaboratively with other people around the world, track jobs, and manage projects. Learn more about GitHub.

For EOS Costa Rica, it is of utmost importance that our collaborators familiarize themselves with this tool, which is why we offer below a basic guide to get started in the world of GitHub.


GitHub CLI

GitHub CLI is a command line tool for using GitHub functions on your own computer.

GitHub CLI Image

GitHub Desktop

GitHub Desktop is the desktop application that allows the user to interact with Github functionalities through the graphical interface, replacing the lines of code with a visual device.

GitHub Desktop Image

GitHub for mobile

GitHub for mobile is available for Android and iOS, it gives you a way to get high-impact work on GitHub quickly, from anywhere. It also becomes a secure and stable way to access GitHub data through a trusted source client application.

GitHub Móvil Image

Git Bash

Git Bash is a Git application for Windows, where it allows working through command lines managing projects found on GitHub.

Git Bash Image


Hub is an extension to command-line git that helps you do everyday GitHub tasks without ever leaving the terminal.


Git-extras repo hosts more than 60 scripts that add to Git's basic functionality. More information about Commands.


Start Repository

Create a new directory.

 git init

Clone an existing repository.

git clone <url>

For more information, visit Git Commands.


List the existing branches.

git branch 

Create new branch.

git branch <name of the new branch> 

Create new branch and switch to it.

git branch -m <name of the new branch>
git checkout -b <name of the new branch>

Change branch.

git checkout <branch name> 

Delete a branch.

git branch -d <branch name> 

For more information, visit Working with Branches in Git and GitHub.

Upload Changes

Update your local repository.

git pull

Add a file to the repository.

git add <file name>

Add all the files to the repository.

git add .

Add all files omitting the new ones.

git add --all

Add all files within a directory.

git add <url> 

Commit the changes.

git commit -m <"commit title"> 

Upload changes to the repository.

git push origin <branch name> 

Merge another branch to the current one.

git merge <branch name> 

For more information, visit Github Command Line.


Download remote from a fork

git remote add upstream <url>

Merge with master

git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/master

For more information, visit Using the Fork and Branch Git Workflow.

Other Commands

Review commit logs.

git log

Show changes made to a file.

git diff 

Take file out of a commit.

git reset HEAD <file> 

Add remote repository.

git remote set-url origin <url> 

Show list of repositories.

git renite -v 

Show current repository status.

git status 

Verify changes in the repository online with the local one.

git fetch 

Delete file from repository.

git rm <file> 

For more information, visit Git Commands.