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Kubernetes is an open source platform, which was created by Google, used for the management, deployment, scalability and monitoring of Docker containers.

Kubernetes Features

  • Intelligent container deployment.
  • Management of workloads (provides load balancing).
  • Easy management of services and applications.
  • High availability.
  • Great flexibility and allows modular work.
  • Container monitoring.

Kubernetes Architecture

There are two main roles, "master" and "node". The master is in charge of managing and orchestrating the different microservices between the 4 available nodes in the cluster.

Kubernetes Architecture Diagram

Diagram of Kubernetes Architecture

Key Concepts in k8s

Cluster: It is a group of devices that can be physical or virtual, are united many times by a network and, therefore, they behave as one.

Kubernetes node: A machine that is running Kubernetes, on which pods can be programmed.

Pod: A group of one or more containers that share the storage and configurations needed to run.

Replication Controller: It is the one who handles the above mentioned failures and recreates, if necessary, the pods. In addition, it also ensures that the number of replicas of the pod is running.

Service: It is an abstraction that defines a logical set of pods, as well as the rules and logic to access them.

Infrastructure as IaC Code
A repository will be created with code for the design and deployment of the project's infrastructure. This will represent the desired state on the servers, as well as pre-compiled images of each service to be deployed.

For more information, visit our guide [Introduction to Kubernetes and Docker]